School Lunch Food & Snacks that are Bad for Teeth & Gums; Soda, Sticky Candy & White Bread
Now that the summer is coming to an end and the school year is getting started most parents are out making sure that the kids are ready. There are lots [...]
Now that the summer is coming to an end and the school year is getting started most parents are out making sure that the kids are ready. There are lots [...]
One of the biggest hurdles that people have whether they are an adult or a child is the fear of going to the dentist. This fear is usually quite unfounded [...]
There are many elements that affect the oral hygiene of our kids. With us firmly sitting in the summer, water is being promoted in the Vegas Valley to keep everyone [...]
So many times babies have a hard time calming themselves down when they are upset. As a parent when you have a baby that finally learns how to self-soothe it [...]
There are some people that think that teeth are just teeth. They are not too keen on getting to the dentist for fear of what might come from the appointment. [...]
There is a lot of things you have to do as a parent. As a child grows there are many things they are not able to do on their own. [...]
There are so many milestones that parents look forward to with their kids. Learning to roll over, sit, crawl, and walk are some of the very first milestones that your [...]
When you have a child it seems like there is always something that happens that requires your immediate attention. The real emergencies that occur usually have to do with the [...]
The last time you brushed your baby’s teeth did you notice that he/she is missing a tooth? Or that they have one abnormally large baby tooth rather than two? This [...]
We want what’s best for our kids. This includes making sure their teeth are taken care of and there are considerations to make when you want to find a good [...]