How to Clean Baby Teeth; Gum Massager for Babies, Infant Finger Toothbrush & Teething Gel
People are quick to do all that they can to help their infant. We know that when a child is born they rely strictly on parents and adults to get [...]
People are quick to do all that they can to help their infant. We know that when a child is born they rely strictly on parents and adults to get [...]
Parents should book dental appointments with a pediatric dentist for their children at least twice a year according to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentists (AAPD). The visits should begin [...]
It seems like keeping kids safe and on track in life is a full time job. They always seem to be on the go and have sports, extracurricular, play dates [...]
It can be difficult to navigate all the things that a child needs these days. There are groups that are created just to try and help with all the work [...]
Most children are quite excited to have a visit from the Tooth Fairy. As parents monitor their kids’ teeth, some parents may notice that the permanent teeth are growing in [...]
When you become a parent there are so many things you look forward to teaching your children. Watching your child rollover, crawl, walk, talk, read, potty train, color, make friends, [...]
When you have a child you want to do all that you can to keep them happy and healthy. That is why we spend much of our time taking care [...]
Now that the summer is coming to an end and the school year is getting started most parents are out making sure that the kids are ready. There are lots [...]
One of the biggest hurdles that people have whether they are an adult or a child is the fear of going to the dentist. This fear is usually quite unfounded [...]
There are many elements that affect the oral hygiene of our kids. With us firmly sitting in the summer, water is being promoted in the Vegas Valley to keep everyone [...]