Awareness of the importance and benefits of applying dental sealants has increased over the last couple of decades. A dental sealant is a protective barrier that covers the teeth. The sealants prevent food and bacteria from contributing to forming cavities. With a comprehensive dental care routine that includes proper brushing, flossing, fluoride treatments as well as proper food and beverage consumption in addition to regularly scheduled dental visits, sealants are an aid to help maintain healthy teeth and gums. Sealants provide additional protection for the grooved areas of teeth from what is known as pit and fissure decay, though brushing and flossing are critical components of any dental health regimen for your little ones. Today, we at Smile Reef would like to elaborate briefly on dental sealants for your kids.

Pit & Fissure Sealants Procedure

Around the age for most children, dental sealants should be applied as soon as possible after permanent tooth eruption for maximum protection. By a trained dental professional, both dentists and dental hygienists are qualified; the sealants are placed during an office visit. Before the sealing procedure, the teeth undergo an exam and a detailed professional cleaning. A substance is applied on dried teeth, where it will be rinsed and dried again. A special light is placed above the tooth to harden the sealant onto the tooth surface after the sealant material is administered to the biting surface of the tooth. The procedure is typically quick and painless and the child doesn’t have any recovery time.

Dental Sealant Procedure Time

Numbing medications are not necessary and there is no drilling involved. The dental sealant procedure is relatively fast and usually painless.
1) Teeth Preparation. The dental hygienist will remove plaque and food debris from the pit and fissure surfaces from the tooth by first polishing the tooth’s surface. The tooth is then isolated and dried. From there the hygienist etches the surface of the tooth, rinses off the etching debris, and dries the tooth again.
2) Application of Sealant. Using a brush, the dental hygienist or dentist, will administer the dental sealant material directly to the tooth’s surface. In order to bond the sealant to the tooth surface,
a self-curing light will be used for about 30 seconds.
3) Procedure is Evaluated. The dental hygienist and dentist conclude the procedure by evaluating the dental sealant and checking its occlusion. The dental sealant will harden where it becomes a hard plastic coating. Once this occurs, your child can eats and drink again.

How Long Do Dental Sealants Last?

With the proper care, sealants can last up to 10 years. Over time, they gradually wear away. The sealants hold up remarkably well to normal chewing and eating habits. During your child’s dental exams, the dentist will assess the integrity of the sealant, and should the sealant experience expedited wear, the sealant can be reapplied as well as reapplied when it naturally wears down. If you are interested in getting sealants for your children, call Smile Reef, we can book your appointment and our dental experts can answer any questions you may have during your appointment and child’s exam.