They can’t wait to reach that next big milestone if your little one is like most kids. As soon as possible, they want to grow up and feel like a big kid. When your child wants to start losing teeth like their classmates, it is no surprise. When your child gets a loose tooth, you may be wondering when to pull the tooth, if there is safe way to remove baby tooth and how long it should wait? Today, we at Smile Reef would like to discuss pulling baby teeth safely.

What Happens if You Pull a Baby Tooth too Early?

The first round of teeth serves an important role, although their permanent teeth will eventually grow in. In addition to being useful for biting and chewing food, your child’s teeth maintain space so that the permanent teeth can erupt properly. It can lead to alignment problems and alter how their jaw develops when baby teeth are lost prematurely due to decay or trauma. It is best to wait until the teeth are naturally ready to be wiggled out by your child.

Consider a “Hands Off” Approach to Pulling a Tooth?

You can certainly try to remove it if your child is complaining about a primary tooth, and it is already pretty loose. Potentially leading to excessive bleeding, or hurt your child, you need to do it carefully so that you don’t damage the permanent tooth underneath, however. To simply take the loose tooth with your fingers and pull it out yourself, it may be tempting. You could introduce potential problems from your hand or your child’s hand is covered in bacteria, however. Encourage them to wiggle their loose tooth using their tongue instead their fingers to reduce their smile’s exposure to germs although stopping your child from putting their hands into their mouth seems impossible. The gum tissue is vulnerable, and harmful bacteria from hands could cause an infection immediately after the tooth comes out. have them bite down on clean gauze if your child experiences bleeding, which should be minor.

Is a Child’s Loose Tooth Ever a Dental Emergency?

It should come out fairly easily, regardless of the method you use to remove the tooth. It may not be ready yet if the tooth resists or the pulling action causes discomfort. You can talk to your pediatric dentist about any teeth that seem to be bothering them during your child’s regular dental checkup. The dentist can examine the tooth to be certain it is not decayed or causing an infection, and perhaps even remove the tooth. A child’s baby teeth will ultimately come out when the time is right. Make sure you do it the right, gentle way if you want to remove their loose baby teeth as there is no need to rush through this stage.

Pediatric Dental Care

For all your child’s dental care needs in the Greater Las Vegas, NV area, call the professionals of Smile Reef for your next appointment!