One of the biggest hurdles that people have whether they are an adult or a child is the fear of going to the dentist. This fear is usually quite unfounded and comes from some other person’s experience that you heard about. It also can be a fear that is passed down from a family member to a child. You want to make sure that your child does not create a fear over going to the dentist. This is so that when they do go they can form their own opinion. If you go to a dentist that is for pediatric patients they have the practice and expertise to work with a young child and make them feel at ease. Part of the process starts at home and what you can do to reduce the fear that a child may have. Smile Reef outlines what you can do to help reduce the fear your child may have about the dentist.

Watch What You Say About Dentists

When you start to talk to a child about going to the dentist what you say has a large impact. You want to make sure that you use positive words when you talk about it and don’t lead with any information about how things can be uncomfortable. Never talk to them about getting shots or that there is a tool that may sound noisy. It is best for the dental professional to talk to them about any treatment that they need. There are many times that you child will not need any major work and using words that might scare them can lead to fear that is unwarranted.

Start Taking Child to Dentist Early

When you have a young child you might wonder when you should start taking them to the dentist. The child will develop teeth through their toddler ages then as they get older they will go through them and get their adult teeth. Some people choose to wait until their child has an issue with a tooth before they go to the dentist. That means that the child’s first interaction is when they are having some pain and need some treatments. It is better to start seeing the dentist early when they are not having any troubles. This will give them a starting point when things are in good shape. You want to continue to see the dentist on a regular basis so that it is a normal experience for the child.

Reward Child for Attending Dentist Appointment

When you have a child that has to go to the dentist you want to make sure that the child has a reward that they can earn when they go and do a good job at the dentist. The best rewards are ones that will not put their oral health at risk so stay away from sticky candy and treats. It is a good idea to have a fun date planned with the child seeing a movie, the zoo or a museum to spend some time.

Pediatric Dentistry

Smile Reef has expert dentists that are able to put your child at ease. Call us today to make an appointment.