Anyone, but particularly children, can have a difficult time going to the dentist. Children in general can find the stranger wearing a mask to perform intrusive procedures intimidating. Not understanding the situation, it can be difficult for the dentist to conduct dental needs safely and effectively. Children with special needs, low attention spans, and natural phobias can have even more of a difficult time with dental visits. Under going sedation prior to dental procedures can be an optimal solution, many kids, no matter the circumstances, can still benefit from sedation dentistry services. With that in mind, we at Smile Reef would like to take the opportunity to discuss sedation dentistry for children.

Conscious Oral Sedation VS IV Sedation Drugs

Sedation dentistry is a great alternative to stressful situations and uncooperativeness stemming from high anxiety. For kids that are overwhelmed and frightened of the prospects of visiting the dentist’s office, sedation therapy is a safe and effective method to provide the dental treatments they need without adding more kindle to the fire, so to speak. Below you will find a few common techniques to sedate the little ones for dentist work.
Oral Sedatives. For children with high anxiety, oral sedatives are a recommended prescription. Ideal for routine checkups, or single cavity fillings, this medication is taken about 45 minutes prior to their appointment. They are fully conscious and aware of their surroundings and depending on the procedure, may still need a local anesthetic to avoid pain. The sedating medication takes the edge off their anxiety to be in a relaxed state.
Nitrous Oxide. A stronger method than oral sedation, this approach is recommended for kids with moderate dental phobias. Nitrous oxide is an odorless and tasteless gas that puts children in a conscious sedation during their procedures; as it is inhaled just before their dental treatments begin. The gas is worn off within a couple of hours and has no lingering effects.
Intravenous Sedation. This method is recommended for children with extreme dental phobias or those that require intensive dental treatments. Your child is always supervised as a qualified staff member monitors the heart rate and blood pressure through the duration of the procedure. Just before treatment starts, an IV injected imposes a benzodiazepine agent into the bloodstream.

Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

Below are just some of the benefits you and your child receive in sedation dentistry.
1) Your child can avoid excessive appointments to the dentist as sedation dentistry allows the dentist to complete more procedures where necessary.
2) It is often challenging for children that have behavioral or emotional disorders present as well as those with special needs to sit still long enough to give the dentist an opportunity to fulfill their tasks. Taking advantage of sedation dentistry can help these unique kids get the dentist care they need without undue hardships.
3) With sedation dentistry, children who have a sensitive gag reflex, especially where dental needs are concerned, can benefit as the gag reflex is suppressed, and the dentist can use their tools efficiently; avoiding your child from being self conscious or embarrassed.
4) The memory of sedation dental procedures inadvertently blocks the memory of the visit. Over time your child may not have to endure sedation for dental treatments; overcoming their fears.
5) Not only just sedating your child, but also paralyzing the nerve endings, the nitrous oxide relieves any pain inflicted during dental procedures.

Child Sedation Dentistry

If you want to further discuss the option to sedate your child during their dental procedure, call Smile Reef today!

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